The Scout Association of Zimbabwe (TSAZ)  is an educational , voluntary , apolitical , youth movement that exists to actively engage and support young people , empoering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Scouting in Zimbabwe has about 20 000 members in all 10 provinces of the country and is growing with an aim to reach 100 000 by 2025.

Scouting is..........

Education for Life

Scouting complements the school and the family, filling needs not met by either. Scouting develops self-knowledge and the need to explore, to discover, and to want to know. Scouts discover the world beyond the classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn and to become well-rounded people.

Fun with a Purpose

Through recreation, Scouting achieves its purpose of helping young people develop physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Scouting is all about building confidence and self-esteem, learning important life skills and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventure, education, and fun! Scouts learn how to make good choices and to take responsibility for their actions so that they are prepared for their adult life as independent persons.

A Worldwide Movement

There are Scout associations and branches in more than 216 countries and territories. Scouting has never stopped growing since its founding in 1907. Today there are more than 25 million Scouts. Over 300 million people have been members in the more than 90 years since Scouting was founded. While Scouting is adapted to local needs and culture, its Purpose, Principles, and Method are the same world wide.

Open to All

Scouting is open to all without distinction of origin, race, class, or creed, provided that the person voluntarily adheres to Scouting's Principles.

A Code of Living

Scouting's Principles describe a simple code of living to which all Scouts make a personal commitment through the Scout Promise and Law. Scouting helps Scouts learn how to carry out their commitment in everyday life. This approach to life has three dimensions:

The Elements

Scouting's purpose is achieved by the use of the Scout Method, which is a system of progressive self-education through:

The Elements at Work

Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts have weekly meetings and other events, such as weekend camps and fun days. Meetings are filled with games, skills, crafts, and other activities. Adult volunteer Scouters operate the program with the help of parents and other volunteers. Venturers and Rovers, with the assistance of an adult Adviser, take responsibility for planning and running their own activities.

TSAZ Programs

Beavers — Sharing, Sharing, Sharing

A positive group experience for children aged 6-8 designed to develop in them a love of nature, an ability to share and play together, and an ability to express their creativity.

Cubs — Do Your Best

Cubs is a program for children aged 8-11 designed for maximum enjoyment and learning through activities in such areas as outdoors, acting, games, music, Badge and Star work, handicrafts, and stories.

Scouts — Be Prepared

Scouts is an adventurous program for young people aged 11-17 in which the members develop skills, earn Badges and awards, and have fun in the outdoors through hiking and camping, all designed to help guide them as they move towards good citizenship.

Rovers — Service

Rovers is a program for adults aged 18-26 designed to emphasize the enjoyment of the outdoors, service projects, and personal development.

An Opportunity for Adults

Scouting depends on its adult volunteer Scouters for its operation. Adults can get involved as section Scouters, working directly with the kids; as Group Committee members, administering the Scout Group on a local level; or as council members, support team members, and trainers, working behind the scenes to support the section Scouters. It is a chance to help young people grow and become better people, and a way to improve the understanding between generations. In their service, adult Scouters get valuable training and experience, adding to their personal development.

Our history


The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.


By 2023 Scouting will be the nation’s leading educational youth movement, enabling 100 thousand young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities and in the country based on shared values